UI Design

After viewing the UI design video Prof Ben posted on Facebook, I decided to try using whitespace to separate the UI components in our CCA profile page. But I didn’t foresee that there are cases where some UI components could be empty due to lack of data, in which cases the layout becomes a bit awkward.

Also the content itself is so crucial to how the UI will look. I think the UI should look nicer once we get serious with our data. Since right now we are populating the database ourselves, I will carefully pick the pictures and edit them to make their dimensions right.

By popular choice, Material Design seems the way to go.


Second week into implementation and I am more comfortable with Angular. I started to work on the controllers and services, and the UI parts that need to deal with dynamic data. I started to appreciate how convenient it is to use ng-if, ng-hide, ng-repeat,ng-show and ng-class for dynamic UI and also animation.

The data binding between the controller and html is 2-way, so I can refer to the html variable in controller by using $scope., and refer to the controller variable in html by using the controller’s name.

For ng-repeat, $index will return the index of the ng-repeat item in the array. I used it for the CCA events navigation.